Mini Kickers
4 - 6 years
17:00 - 17:45
Mondays & Wednesdays only
Enrol your little ones into the EAKA mini kickers programme and get their martial arts journey off to the best start possible.
7 - 15 years
18:00 - 19:00
Monday to Thursday
A class which caters for all abilities within the age bracket. Helping to shape the future of our next generation of kickboxers at EAKA.
16+ years
19:00 - 20:30
Tuesday to thursday
From teenagers to mature adults, this class has a real mixture! Perfect for those looking for a new hobby and an active lifestyle or for those looking to progress, impress and earn a spot on the EAKA fight team.
Mondays only
19:00 - 20:30
£10 for non-members
Open mat sparring every monday at EAKA for age 16 and above. £10 for non-members.
Fight Team
Invite Only
18:00 - 19:30
Fridays Only
Once you have earned your spot. You will be invited to join our private fight team sessions in preparation for upcoming competitions.
Private session
All ages
Contact Billy
Contact Billy
£40 per hour
Book in for an uninterrupted one to one lesson with head coach Billy Brown. Target specific areas of improvement, pad work and improve your general kickboxing knowledge. All abilities welcome.
Saturday bag drills
Age 14 +
10:00 - 11:00
Saturdays only
£10 for non-members
Start your weekend with some non contact kickboxing fun! Punching and kicking bags under the supervision of our instroctors. Use this class as part of your membership or drop in and pay £10 per session.
Frequently asked question